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Makeup FAQ

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Best Makeup Artists Near Stillwater MN

Are you looking to get more into using makeup or to utilize professional makeup services, but you have some makeup-related questions? At Luminous Looks, we receive many questions related to makeup use and makeup itself. Here are some of the frequently asked questions we get: Best Makeup Artists Near Stillwater MN


Is Makeup Bad For Your Skin?


One common misconception about makeup that some makeup skeptics have is that makeup is “bad for your skin.” However, the truth is: makeup isn’t bad for your skin, but bad makeup habits are. Neglecting to thoroughly remove your makeup and cleanse your face after wearing makeup could result in oily or dry skin, premature aging, and even potential skin damage. Moreover, makeup application brushes can be like petri dishes for bacteria if you don’t regularly clean them and replace them as necessary. And the bacteria on your makeup brushes and other application tools can be harmful to your skin and result in unhealthy skin. 


Can Makeup Cause Acne?


Another common misconception about makeup is that makeup causes acne. Makeup itself doesn’t cause acne, but certain ingredients in your makeup may clog your pores and cause acne to form. Likewise, for people who have a sensitivity to certain ingredients in the makeup they’re using, it could result in a greater frequency of breakouts, oily skin, and other skin-related issues. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you are using makeup brands that aren’t clogging up your pores or irritating your skin. 


Does Makeup Expire?


Lastly, another question we often get pertaining to makeup products is: do makeup products expire, and, if so, after how long? While unopened makeup products can last quite a while, once a makeup product is opened, it generally needs to be used up as soon as possible, especially if it’s a liquid-based makeup product. The general rule of thumb for makeup products are as such:


  • Mascara should be used within 3 months after being opened.

  • Foundation should be used between 6 months and 1 year after being opened.

  • Blush should be used within 2 years after being opened.


To learn learn more about makeup or our professional makeup services, feel free to contact Luminous Looks, the best makeup artist in Stillwater MN, today. 


If you would like to have your makeup professionally done, or would like to learn more about how to apply makeup as well as different makeup techniques, then contact Lynne Kuhn, the best makeup artist in Stillwater MN, today. 

Bridal Makeup Stillwater MN |

Luminous Looks By Lynne

If you’re interested in getting your bridal makeup done by a professional, click here to contact Lynne Kuhn at Luminous Looks, your local makeup artist in Stillwater Minnesota. You can call me at 651.235.1305, or send me an email at

Best Makeup Artists Near Stillwater MN

Best Makeup Artists Near Stillwater MN

Best Makeup Artists Near Stillwater MN

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